Horn of Africa —Navigating to unfamiliar places like this remote region on Earth where I am currently stationed and enjoying my senior years is an adventure like no other — filled with excitement, challenges and opportunities as well.
And to blend with a different culture, customs, traditions, and social norms is but a shocking experience, per se,
yet worthwhile in a sense that it opened up one’s mindset to embrace the realities of life — be it absurb, or pleasant as it were.
For now, what is fulfilling is merging with a diverse set of talented people from an equally diverse nationalities.
The transition is smoother now with a curious mindset still lurking where to find ways to adjust my bodyclock to a much different time zone,
cold, stemming weather and the one-of-a-kind lifestyle never imagined that it exists in this corner of planet Earth!
What is now imperatiive is to build connections and navigate social interactions more offen and effectively, in many ways, without reservations or simply omissions.
One of the most fulfilling and perhaps most rewarding in this once-in-lifetime journey is finding a special niche — for life, and career.
learning the body language of people around,
and to immerse in everyday conversations are but a pre-requisite, yet the immersion seems to last quite sometime.
What is most amazing perhaps is that people here had that tenacity of demonstrating respect regardless of color, be it jet black, dark brown or simply white.
And to engage is a great way to foster a sense of belongingness,
building meaningful connections with peers, and not-so-peers([email protected])