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HomeOpinionImperative Call of the Times: Social Transformation

Imperative Call of the Times: Social Transformation

The Wind of Change, Now Hovering

May I first share this poem I wrote 12 years ago which was converted into a song and won a national award: The wind of change/ Now hovering, from the mountains to the cities, / From the hills to coastal communities, /It is the dawn of a new day, /In the land of the free. /For the people to be free from hunger and poverty, /That’s the mission of the cooperatives, /Amidst the darkness of helplessness and inequities, /We will light the torch of social justice and progress. /We are one cooperative family, /Highly committed to serve the poor and the oppressed. /Working for their liberation through cooperative revolution. /We will harness collective potentials, /rallying all stakeholders, /We will advocate, we will empower, we stand as one dedicated to serve. /Now social transformation in the offing /Gaining headways, taking responsibilities, /Let us all be reminded of our impending victory, /The people united can never be defeated!”

How time flies.  Twenty twenty-five (2025) is just a few days away and before you know it, we will be welcoming 2026, 2027, 2028 . . . like running ripples in that brook called life, aptly described by Shakespeare as “like a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more, a story told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”  Some new age philosophers called time as just an illusion, what matters is the now! This truism is well narrated by a world-renowned spiritual leader named Echart Tolle in his book, “The Power of Now,” that has already sold some 20 million copies worldwide after having been translated into several languages. Knowing who truly we are, as CONSCIOUSNESS, is what really matters.  Thus, debunk the object consciousness as such is only transient, leap-up to the vast spaciousness, to the formless consciousness in oneness and inter-connectivity with all life and thereby connect with the Formless Being called God!  When that happens, there will be a” New Earth and a New Heaven,” another Tolle’s best seller book.  Such formless consciousness will be the gateway to liberate humanity from compulsive thinking, from the clattering of the mind and from collective insanity as the ego that rules humanity for so long will finally be debunked to go to the sublime where the Universal Intelligence governs.

To those focusing on object consciousness, their concept of time varies.  It is measured in so many ways, – titles, wealth, learning, experiences, number of children or marriages, victories, failures, travels, friends based on maximizing material values. For the consciously enlightened, they measure time in terms of the intangibles as in experiencing the depth and width of life, focused on maximizing inner values for the romantics, they advance some poetic lines like, “It is better to have loved and lost rather than to have not loved at all.”

For those who are said to be avatars, time doesn’t exist at all for life continues here and beyond.  And when love is in one’s heart, time and space have no meaning for love transcends everything.  Not even death can have power over that supreme force in the universe as the beloved is always carried in one’s heart, in one’s inner consciousness – forever!  When one is liberated from form consciousness, the truth will indeed set him free from form consciousness as we are all embodied spirit.  The body is time-bounded but the spirit (who truly we are) is not.  And so, when we recognize our true selves – as beyond time and space – time becomes an illusion.  Thus, it is in this light that it behooves upon all of us to instill in ourselves those inner qualities – love, courage, kindness, joy, patience, gratitude, compassion, goodness – so as not to succumb to the whims and capriciousness of the time. 

Devoid of consciousness, humanity is indeed afflicted by the principal disease of our time – the power of money, giving high veneration to the profit-motive that has already captured the mindset of all governments, all institutions, all universities, the mainstream media and all religious groups. From the mundane (object consciousness) to the Sublime (Formless Consciousness).  Truly, such is the sole liberating path, freeing us from that fear of death that has no power over our spirituality.  Indeed, as King Solomon had declared in Ecclesiastes, “Wealth, fame and power are meaningless, absolutely meaningless.”  In a world buried in unbridled materialism and consumerism, a new kind of spirituality must now awaken mankind, a new era which is now in the offing as taught to us by ancient wisdom and now being revived by new-age philosophers and spiritual leaders. Major religions taught us that there is someone coming to liberate us and all the while we have been waiting.  The truth is, what we have been waiting for is really ourselves, our spiritual awakening to harness our inner power in that realm of heightened spiritual consciousness to realize the I AM THAT I AM! As declared by Jesus Himself!

That discovery of who truly we are as consciousness will certainly enhance our collective potentials to unfetter mankind from the One Percent Global Regime, the Neo-Liberal Capitalists advancing Corporate Globalization that has buried humanity to the principal disease of our time.  I believe that will be the key to the establishment of a new order and a new economic paradigm that will provide the nurturing spirit for Mother Earth to survive from all the pains inflicted upon Her by the present development system that is killing Her.

It is in this light that the wind of change is now hovering upon the earth and ultimately upon the Universe.  Such is our divine purpose to spread consciousness for a new earth and a new heaven.  It is amazing to witness the on-going shift as many countries are now undergoing fundamental change.  The use of fossil fuel and coal-fired power plants have been acknowledged to have been contributing massively to climate change which, according to climate advocates, “Is a symptom of a distorted, imperialist worldview: the continued exploitation of the Earth is justifiable because humans exist separate from and can claim dominion over the environment.  This worldview, championed by Christians and captains of industries alike, promotes and preserves business as usual and has led to the brink of environmental collapse.” Such mindset is a manifestation of unconsciousness!

The collective consciousness and spirituality of all the peoples of the world must now heal the wounds of Mother Earth and those of Her children, damaged all these years through false religions and western development materialistic and consumerist paradigm that have sacrificed the people and the ecosystems to the altar of greed and profit, seriously afflicted by evil of money.  We welcome 2025 with courage and with our abiding faith that in truth, mankind has to metamorphose spiritually to establish a new earth.  This time, it is our hope that the change will not just be in dates but in our social and spiritual consciousness, manifested through our collective actions for change – all for God’s greater glory!


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