THE best physical therapy clinic in the Philippines is now in Cagayan de Oro City.
Active Life Therapy, which has 70 branches nationwide, has simultaneously opened its two branches here. The downtown branch is located at Pabayo corner Tirso Neri St. while the uptown branch is located at Unit 3A H Bldg. along Masterson Avenue.
Active Life Therapy’s first branch in Mandaluyong City was founded in 2015 by Dr. Ronald Samaniego who holds a doctorate in physical therapy both here in the country and in the United States. Samaniego holds licenses to operate in Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas and Florida. He graduated at the Our Lady of Fatima University here and in Utica College in upstate New York.
Active Life Therapy offers rehabilitation, pain management, manual manipulation, postural correction, dry needling, sports conditioning, sports taping, scoliosis treatment and more.
In most cases, physical therapy is enough to help with the pain and recovery. But it’s important to remember that each person is different and an individual clinical assessment is required. Two patients with identical injuries may need different treatments.
So book an appointment today with Active Life Therapy. Call either of the two Cagayan de Oro branches at 09391265717 or 09274240533. Clinic hours is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Mondays to Saturdays.
Active Life Therapy also operates branches in Singapore, UAE and the United States. Trust only the experts. Trust Active Life Therapy.