Bangkok, Thailand – With a projected 40 percent rise in food demand due to the increasing world population reaching 9 billion by 2050, the region faces serious challenges such as labor and food shortages, intense competition for resources, and environmental degradation.
The AGRICONNECT Conference and Exhibition 2023, organized by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) and VNU Asia Pacific with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives as official co-host, is set to address these present-day challenges facing Southeast Asia’s agriculture industry.
The conference and exhibition will take place on 24-25 May 2023, at True Digital Park in Bangkok, Thailand.
The event will convene over 300 participants from various sectors to discuss sustainable agriculture practices and farm visit options on May 25, 2023.
The theme of this transformative event is “Eco-efficiency: Solutions for Environmental Farming Business.”
Eco-efficiency combines cross-cutting topics to integrate sustainable farming practices that benefit the environment, the economy, and society.
This involves adopting sustainable practices, leveraging enabling technologies, and embracing circular economy principles to minimize adverse environmental impacts while maximizing profits.
Key strategies include crop rotation, integrated nutrient and pest management, precision agriculture, renewable energy, and crop residue management.
Overall, eco-efficient agriculture is the key to achieving a profitable and sustainable farming business.
The AGRICONNECT Conference and Exhibition 2023 is powered by AGRITECHNICA ASIA and HORTI ASIA, Southeast Asia’s leading exhibitions in agriculture.
The event will feature more than 30 speakers from nine countries and innovative sponsors.
In addition, keynote speakers and representatives from international organizations, such as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), will share their best practices and solutions in more than 15 sessions.
According to the event organizer, addressing global climate challenges, rising population, and food supply shortages is crucial.
The conference aims to gain insights into increasing crop yield with a forward-looking mindset about the environment.
On May 24, 2023, the exhibitors will showcase their latest agriculture-related services and products.
In addition, AGRICONNECT Conference and Exhibition 2023 offers a diverse range of sessions and speakers covering various topics relevant to sustainable agriculture.
Some of the highlights include:
Environmental Protection: This session features Mr. Narapat Kaeothong, Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, who will provide an overview of the ministry’s initiatives on environmental protection.
Mr. Takayuki Hagiwara, Regional Programme Leader of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will discuss the graduation process from farmer to entrepreneur.
Innovations in Smart Farming: This session aims to examine how technology can play a pivotal role in securing a prosperous future for Southeast Asia.
Matthew McDonald, APAC Precision Technology Product Manager at CNH Industrial will share his insights on this topic.
In addition, Stewart Andrews, CEO of BioSci (Thailand), Ltd., will expound on his experiences in implementing actionable data insights and intelligent farming.
Furthermore, topic about sustainable food security and digital form will be presented by Tobias Fausch, CIO of BayWa AG.
This is followed by the session organized by the German-Thai Cooperation Project for Clusterfarms, the Department of Agricultural Extension and the Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering. Discussions and views on the achievements, challenges and opportunities of adopting Smart Farming technologies in Thailand will also be on hand.
Carbon market regulations will be discussed by Dr. Bjöern Ole Sander, Country Representative of Vietnam for the International Rice Research Institute, in a regional exchange on carbon market regulations for the agricultural sector.
The discussion will feature examples from Southeast Asia.
Additionally, an industry expert panel discussion on vertical farming will take place, featuring Ms. Christine Zimmermann-Loessl, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of the Association for Vertical Farming, Mr. Ralph Becker, CEO/Founder of Urban Greens Hydroponics Systems, Inc., and Mr. Sansin Sriphiromrak, CEO of Distar Fresh. They will discuss characteristics of successful business models in vertical farming.
Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions and roundtable discussions. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany (BMEL) will offer an in-depth exploration of the challenges related to sustainable production in Southeast Asian agriculture, providing valuable insights into opportunities for German agribusines