In response to the Philippine government’s request for assistance regarding the oil spill disaster in Oriental Mindoro, the Government of Japan has decided to dispatch a Japan Disaster Relief (JDR) Expert Team to the Philippines, in view of the amicable relations between Japan and the Philippines, on humanitarian grounds and for marine environment protection.
Upon arriving in Manila on March 10, the JDR Expert Team will cooperate with Philippine government authorities, particularly the Philippine Coast Guard, to support the investigation of the extent of damage, as well as provide guidance on ongoing oil removal and control activities.
We hope that the support from the Japanese Government will contribute in preventing further oil contamination and restoring the marine environment in the affected areas.
The JDR Expert Team consists of 8 members in total: 2 members from the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines; 5 members from the Japan Coast Guard, 3 of whom belong to the National Strike Team, an expert unit in oil removal; and 1 member from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Mr. NIHEI Daisuke, Minister of the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines, will lead the team.
Also in line with the request of the Philippine Government, equipment such as oil blotters, oil snares, and oil-proof working gloves are set to be transported to the Philippines, together with the JDR Expert Team.
The Japanese Government is ready to consider providing additional supplies once the JDR Expert Team confirms the need for more materials and equipment, while taking into account the status of assistance provided by other donor countries.