Susan’s Notes
By Susan Palmes Dennis
‘Making sure that we have every single solitary (American) eligible for…what I’ve been able to do with….the COVID….(mumbles)…look we finally beat Medicare.’
‘Thank you President Biden…President Trump?
‘That’s right he (Biden) did beat Medicare, he beat it to death.’
ROCKINGHAM, North Carolina—And that, in so many words, was the incoherent, spaced out and unintentionally laughable verbal blunder committed by US President Joe Biden. It’s one of many key moments of his 90-minute televised debate with bitter rival Donald Trump—and something that the US as a nation can only endure publicly on seeing their leader humiliate himself on the world stage.
Days before the televised debate, I was excited like any American to watch the Trump-Biden debate. I was interested on how the two prospective nominees of their parties would answer the pressing issues of inflation, immigration, crime and so on. When the debate came and went, I ended up pitying Biden who walked off the debate stage looking as old as can be.
Far more often than not, Biden appeared weak, confused and spaced out while Trump looked as combative even if a bit tired for the duration of the debate. It was so horrible that even the mostly left wing legacy media can no longer cover it up. And Biden’s overall showing doesn’t speak well of the US which he represents in the world stage.
But even before the debate, there had been speculations fueled by video clips of Biden acting not only out of sorts but also looking debilitated to the point of senility. No amount of jogging towards supporters, shouting and facial grimaces could hide the fact that Biden, at 81 years old, is showing more than his seniority.
Which begs the question, not only for me, but for everyone else with a stake in the US elections; just who is exactly running this country? Is is the Obamas? Such an observation would be laughed at by liberal leftists but based on Biden’s debate performance there is now adequate basis for that belief—which will be fueled further should one of several scenarios take place.
There are local and national political issues that I’ve been unable to tackle at length in this corner and I wish to cover them all but allow me dear readers to expound on this latest development in the US political scene. In the coming days I will discuss about the local alignments in Cagayan de Oro and the movements occuring in the Philippine landscape.
For now at least what’s moving the needle so to speak is the fallout from the Biden-Trump debate and boy, do the apologists and spin meisters of the Democrat Party are working overtime and earning their keep trying to keep out the crap that hit the fan bigtime. And no, we’re not talking about clips showing Biden supposedly soiling his pants during an important function.
From CNN to MSNBC to PBS down to the local affiliate TV stations and elsewhere around the world, the sights and sounds of Biden losing his train of thought, mumbling his responses incoherently to every question posed by the moderator and his blank, angry stares in response to a Trump remark. Truth to tell, it’s clear the man is not himself that night.
Biden’s gaffes and lackluster responses had audiences either groaning in emotional pain or laughing uncontrollably depending on which side of the political fence they’re positioned behind. But while TV audiences were dumbstruck by Biden’s dazed and confused fumbling, this collective feeling was magnified a thousandfold over in social media.
And what was the assessment as far as the Democrat party is concerned? ‘Full-on panic’, ‘DefCon 1 alert’, ‘elder abuse’ and ‘extremely painful’ were some of rhe choice words being spoken out loud by legacy media. Probably the coup d’ grace was the headline bannered by the New York Times whose editorial board proclaimed that for the good ot the US, Biden should step aside.
But who will replace Biden? The obvious choice would be Vice President Kamala Harris but her being the first female vice president and a biracial American at that to win the second highest position in the land won’t be sufficient fuel for her to beat Trump based on surveys and political analysts’ assessments.
There are other names being thrown into the ring, one of them being California Gov. Gavin Newsom. But his track record in one of the US’s biggest states is beyond abysmal as Newsom is being blamed for the steady exodus of businesses and people outside of California and into better run Republican states like Texas and Florida, where Trump is a native.
The wild cards would be Bernie Sanders, another oldie and Michelle Obama, wife of former president Barack Obama. But while Newsom and Sanders are perceived quite rightly as hardcore socialists whose policies are feared to drive the US economy further down communism, Michelle Obama is said to enjoy goodwill and even popularity that may approximate her husband.
Which brings us back to the question: If Biden was so out of it at the start of his presidency then who is running the country? Many suspect that Biden’s term of office is actually Barack Obama’s third term and that he and his team are running the White House behind the scenes. If Michelle does a Cory Aquino and run, would she end up victorious the same as the late Philippine president?
She would achieve that rare historic distinction and the US would be witness to another rule of the Obamas but would the American electorate go for it, after being LIED TO by the Democrat Party that claimed Biden is physically fit to assume and continue the presidency? Based on the latest word so far, the Biden’s aren’t going to go down nor are giving up the fight that easily.