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HomeOpinionDigital Society in the Merging Globe

Digital Society in the Merging Globe

By: Dr. Djuwari

We are now living in a digital society in the merging globe. During my speakership experience since 1993 up today (31 years), I have undergone communicating using different modes for this global communication. We had to travel using transport such as flight by plane to other countries. Today, we can communicate even every second around the world. 

Since years ago we have the association of regional territories such as ASEAN, NATO, AFTA, and British Commonwealth etc. All of these are blurring now. In a digital society as the impacts of technology development, we are living in the merging globe. This era has some impacts which we have experienced unconsciously.   

In the contemporary landscape, the digital society has become a ubiquitous presence, reshaping the way we interact, communicate, and perceive the world around us. With the advent of the internet, social media platforms, and digital technologies, the boundaries that once delineated nations. Cultures have blurred, creating a global village where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge and interact. This merging of the globe through digital means has profoundly impacted social relationships. And, of course its influences how we form connections, maintain bonds, and navigate the complexities of human interaction.

One of the most notable effects of the digital society on social relationships is the democratization of communication. Through social media platforms, individuals can connect instantaneously across vast distances. All these are transcending geographical barriers and fostering relationships with people they might never have encountered otherwise. Friendships, romantic relationships, and professional networks are increasingly forged and sustained through digital channels. Therefore, this condition inevitably leads to a redefinition of intimacy and community in the virtual realm.

Moreover, the digital society has revolutionized the dynamics of social interaction. This introduces new modes of expression and engagement. Emoticons, memes, and hashtags have become integral components of online communication. It also enriches conversations and imbuing them with layers of meaning and humor. However, this digital lexicon also poses challenges, as the nuances of face-to-face communication can sometimes be lost in translation. The consequence of this phenomenon may also lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Furthermore, the digital society has catalyzed shifts in social norms and behaviors. AS such, it can also reshape the notions of privacy, identity, and belonging. The proliferation of social media platforms has created a culture of constant connectivity, where individuals feel compelled to curate and share aspects of their lives online. This curated self-image can blur the lines between reality and fiction. Finally it will also complicate the authenticity of social interactions and foster a sense of alienation or inadequacy among users who compare themselves to carefully crafted online personas.

Nevertheless, despite the transformative impact of the digital society on social relationships, it is essential to acknowledge its potential pitfalls and limitations. The digital technologies have the power to connect us across continents and cultures. But, they can also exacerbate existing inequalities and divisions. It amplifies echo chambers and reinforce social biases. Additionally, the prevalence of online interactions can sometimes detract from meaningful face-to-face connections. Therefore, this condition can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection in an increasingly digitized world.

As the citizens of the digital society globally, the digital society has fundamentally altered the fabric of social relationships. We have to reshape how we connect, communicate, and relate to one another on a global scale. Besides we offer unprecedented opportunities for collaboration, understanding, and empathy, we also have to face challenges that require thoughtful navigation and adaptation. By embracing the transformative potential of digital technologies, we can strive to create a more inclusive, empathetic, and connected global community in the digital age.

Dr. Djuwari is an Associate Professor at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) Indonesia. Surabaya, the editor of some research journals in the Philippines and Indonesia. He is also a journalist in some newspapers in Indonesia; the President of International Association of Scholarly Publishers, Editors, and Reviewers (IASPER), a small business owner of Djuw Café.


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